Home > Share your CCDA Experience

Share your CCDA Experience

September 1st, 2010 in CCDA Go to comments

Please share with us your experience after taking the CCDA 640-863 exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations…

Your posts are warmly welcome!

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  1. JP
    November 1st, 2010

    Hi AMIR,
    What does “D&D have same description” mean? I plan to take ccda on Thursday, thanks.

  2. AMiR
    November 1st, 2010

    Hi JP,
    If I remmeber correctly the question was:
    static –> single isp link
    bgp –> multiple isp link
    small mesh –> Rip
    large homogeneous network –> OSPF
    large homogeneous network –> EIGRP

    If you read TI and dstut carefully you will pass it easyly. :)

  3. Mark
    November 1st, 2010

    passed today 974/1000 all from here with all D&Ds and the new one Amir mentiones tested with TI 5,71

    @ Amir one was small homogeneous other large homogeneous network, I think i failed on that one a bit, hence the 974

    @ Dstut well done again TuT as the voice one this one was cake after learning your site!
    up to route for me do hope you will get Arch up soon ;-)

  4. gabe
    November 1st, 2010

    Scheduled to take the test on the 5th. Trying to get it before the change. Been studying like a mad man the past few days. I recently took the ccna voice and passed on the 25th.

  5. POTSU
    November 1st, 2010

    hey, how many items this exam has??

  6. AMiR
    November 2nd, 2010

    ops, why? I just read both, both was same for me.
    Can you write down the question?

  7. Neptune
    November 2nd, 2010

    How to calculate the number of calls for a certain amount of bandwidth ?

  8. Mark
    November 3rd, 2010

    hey, am pretty sure the D&D for me said

    single isp link – static
    multiple isp link – BGP
    small mesh – RIP
    small homogeneous network – OSPF/EIGRP
    large homogeneous network – EIGRP/OSPF

    not sure which is correct think i used OSPF for small EIGRP for large

  9. Psycho
    November 3rd, 2010

    Hey gabe,

    I am also going to take it on the 5th! Good luck to you and everyone else!

  10. Dan
    November 3rd, 2010


    I too struggle to calculate the number of calls for a certain bandwidth. So I’m just going with a few memorizations which are:

    G.711 82.4 Kbps (no CRTP) & 67.2 Kbps (w/CRTP)
    G.728 34.4 Kbps (no CRTP) & 19.2 Kbps (w/CRTP)
    G.729 26.4 Kbps (no CRTP) & 11.2 Kbps (w/CRTP)

    This information comes from the Cisco Voice over IP Authorized Self-Study Guide (page 89).

    If you go to this web site on the Voice Design option, there are two questions asking for bandwidth calculations. Use the above information, retake the questions and you’ll see the desired correct answers. Make sure to note that one questions asks for CRTP and one does not. I know it would be better to know the actual way to perform the calculation but I can’t seem to figure it out. So I’ll memorize a few numbers and more onto whatever comes next. I’m taking the CCDA exam on Nov. 4th. Good luck with your test.

  11. Mil
    November 3rd, 2010

    I took the exam last thursday, got 1000, the correct D&D is:

    single isp link – static
    multiple isp link – BGP
    small mesh – RIP
    homogeneous network – OSPF
    heterogeneous network – EIGRP

    Go for the exam before nov 8, with the information provided you will pass it, only found 3 new questions; good luck

  12. Mil
    November 3rd, 2010


    Voice Packet size = ( packet_header + CRTP + payload) x 8 = ____ bits

    Voice Packets per sec = bit_rate / (payload x 8) = ____ pps

    BW = Voice_packet_size x voice_packets_persec = ____ bps

    #calls = WAN_BW / BW

    *** If CRTP = yes, then its value is 4
    = no, then it is 2

    The bit_rate depends on the Codec

    Good Luck

  13. fscisco
    November 3rd, 2010

    Hey Mil,

    The normal IP/UDP/RTP packet header is 40 bytes and if cRTP is being used, it’s only 2 bytes.

  14. Mil
    November 3rd, 2010

    Thanks, you are wright, I got it backwards, it is smaller if CRTP is being used because it is compressed :S, with CRTP is 2.

  15. cbe
    November 3rd, 2010

    Hey Mil,

    I was looking over your proposed solution to the D&D that is not covered in the dstut D&D section; referring to matching the link type with the appropriate routing protocol selection.

    single isp link – static
    multiple isp link – BGP
    small mesh – RIP
    homogeneous network – OSPF
    heterogeneous network – EIGRP

    I agree with the first three selections but feel like the last two should be swapped around. If you think about, how could EIGRP be used in a heterogeneous networked environment? I’m interpreting heterogeneous here as “mixed” aka “non-cisco devices”. When using EIGRP you MUST use all Cisco equipment since the protocol is proprietary. OSPF, on the other hand IS able to use “mixed-network” devices. To me this answer would make more sense:

    single isp link – static
    multiple isp link – BGP
    small mesh – RIP
    homogeneous network – EIGRP
    heterogeneous network – OSPF


  16. strr
    November 3rd, 2010

    Mil, Mark

    What is the correct answer for a question:
    Which three types of WAN topologies can be deployed in the Cisco Enterprise Architecture Enterprise Edge WAN module? (Choose three.)
    A. ring
    B. full mesh
    C. partial mesh
    D. collapsed core
    E. star
    F. core
    G. edge

    Answer: B, D, E

    What did you choose?… partial mesh or collapsed core?

  17. Mil
    November 4th, 2010


    I think you are wright, your arguments are correct. Maybe this is one of the demo questions of the exam (according to the terms of the exam, there are up to 3 demo questions whose answer doesn´t affect your total grade) and that is why I got a perfect score.

    The correct answers are: full mesh, partial mesh and star.

  18. jdsan
    November 4th, 2010

    i got a new D&D not covered on this site. I don’t remember the exact answers. What I remember is the following:

    Match the following devices with elements of the Cisco Unified Wireless Network:

    There’s a bunch of devices listed and five elements of the Cisco UWN on the right side. The following is the mapping I attempted. I don’t know if I got it right or not:

    CCx3 notebook –> Wireless endpoint
    WLC2006 –> Unified Management
    WCS –> Mobility Control
    1242AG –> Access point

    Good luck everyone!

  19. Neptune
    November 4th, 2010

    Ok I take for example Q6 in Voice questions:

    Codec: G.728
    Bit rate: 16 Kbps
    WAN Bandwidth: 256 Kbps
    Packet Header: 6 bytes
    Payload: 40 bytes
    CRTP: Yes

    Voice Packet size = (6 + 4 + 40) x 8 = 400 bits
    Voice Packets per sec = 16 / (40 x 8) = 0.05 pps
    BW = 400 x 0.05 = 20 bps
    # calls = 256 / 20 = 12.8 (~13 calls)

    It seems match the result! Thank you!

  20. THD
    November 5th, 2010

    Just passed a few hours ago 1000/1000. 3 new dnd…. like that posted ahead.

    Tks Dstut and MMFSH!!

  21. gabe
    November 5th, 2010

    What were the new dnd? Are they the ones posted above from the other posters?

  22. mysiak
    November 5th, 2010

    Just passed a few hours ago 1000/1000
    1 new d&d – something with wan technology description (i used isdn, sonet, frame relay, tdm), the rest of the questions are on this page – big thanks for it!

  23. cbe
    November 5th, 2010

    Just passed, 974/1000. Got two or three new questions. Two which I vaguely remember were both D&D. Both questions were matching the appropriate technology with the correct description. I don’t remember the descriptions of the technologies involved but tried to quickly jot down the technologies at least. So if you were to look these up and really know what they are/used for, you should have no problems.

    D&D Question 1 had these terms: Frame Relay, Circuit Switched, and Packet Switched.

    D&D Question 2 had these terms: DWDM, TDM, SONET, ISDN, Analog Modem. I think there were a couple more on this question but don’t recall exactly what the terms used were.

    Good Luck!!

  24. QA
    November 5th, 2010


  25. gabe
    November 6th, 2010

    Passed the test with a 989. Had the same dnd as mysiak. Since mysiak got the perfect score I recommend answering them in the order he/she did.

  26. CCVP
    November 6th, 2010

    CCx3 notebook –> Wireless endpoint
    WLC2006 –> Unified Management
    WCS –> Mobility Control
    1242AG –> Access point

    You almost had it correct, WLC2006 is the Wireless LAN Controller which would be the Mobility Control and WCS is the Wireless Control System which would be the Unified Management in this case. I am writing the exam tomorrow and will probably be the last one writing it in this old version, will let you all know how it goes :)

  27. jdsan
    November 6th, 2010


    What I posted was vaguely what I remember from the exam. I probably did answer it the way you said but I can’t even remember that!

    But I’ve given you the options available on both sides of the D&D and if it helps you even a little in answering the question, all the better!


  28. JRS
    November 7th, 2010

    la version de CCDA fue cambiada, yo lo iba a dar el exam el viernes pero el centro donde lo iba a dar lo desactivaron y me cambiaron la fecha, alguien tiene el nuevo material.

  29. JRS
    November 7th, 2010

    CCDA version was changed, I was going to take the exam on Friday but the center where it was going to give it turned off and I changed the date, someone has the new material.

  30. JRS
    November 7th, 2010

    Please someone has the new material CCDA. >:(

  31. gabe
    November 7th, 2010

    It may take a while for the new material to come out. In the meantime I recommend getting your hands on some material to study to really understand the concepts.

  32. CCVP
    November 7th, 2010

    Passed the exam with a perfect score thanks to this site and digitut.

    Like Gabe suggested start with study material from Cisco and you will have to wait while till the new versions come out…Good luck !!

  33. dOuBleThumb
    November 7th, 2010

    passed today 974 /1000 ;

    Thanx everyone and good luck

  34. KnowledgeGuru
    November 7th, 2010

    Hello Everyone,

    Does anyone know about similar site for CCDP ARCH.


  35. JRS
    November 7th, 2010

    Please, if someone plans to take the exam this week to share his experience.

  36. Mark
    November 7th, 2010

    @STR b,c,e

  37. Neptune
    November 7th, 2010

    I passed it too the 5th November, all questions as expected! Thx everybody

  38. Anonymous
    November 8th, 2010

    i passed ccda exam on 24 oct 2010. 95% of questions was same. one new drag and drop question about wan technologies

  39. Anders
    November 8th, 2010

    Dear Sirs, greetings. I need student guides for CCDA preparation. But I could not find them.
    Cold you help me to point to link where I can to donwload them. Thank you in advance.

  40. JRS
    November 8th, 2010

    info!! new exam CCDA. someone will give the exam this week.

  41. MCV
    November 9th, 2010

    I passed 640-863 with 1000/1000 on Nov 5th using this stuff http://www.careercert.info/2009/08/ccda-study-material.html
    Special thanks to TestInside v5.71 (128 Q’s) and DSTUT for this excellent site!
    Greetings from Costa Rica!

  42. Trinity
    November 14th, 2010

    Has anyone taken the exam on or after November 8th? Are these questions still accurate?

  43. NOTF
    November 15th, 2010

    I would imagine the questions are still valid. If anything Cisco might of added a few new ones for the new topics in v2.1 but I would imagine the bulk of these questions will still remain valid.

  44. Hermes
    November 15th, 2010

    NOTF : I would be great if what you saying is true. I will continue reading ccda cisco press for ver 2.0, but If anyone has passed(or failed ;P) new version of exam please post your feelings about the exam.

  45. cleansafi
    November 15th, 2010

    what is the prerequisite for the CCDA exam.

    I have just completed ICND Part -1 in this month.

  46. JRS
    November 16th, 2010

    Good passed!!! tks :)

  47. NOTF
    November 17th, 2010

    JRS: When did you pass? Are you in a position to confirm my previous post.

  48. hamed
    November 19th, 2010

    thanks for your beautiful website,

    I am prepareing myself to get My CCDA, Unfortunately there is not enogh sources on the internet.
    Pass4sure with 222 question is really needed??if anyone has sitten for the exam after 8.Nov.2010 please share information.

    thanks a lot,

  49. anon
    November 19th, 2010

    Folks they have extended the current exam till April 2011 so everything here is good and the CCDPs 642-873 exam extended till May 2011. Check Cisco’s website out!!!

  50. deo
    November 19th, 2010

    DOES this exam still available??????????

    @ANON can you give us a link or something.

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