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Share your ARCH Experience

March 20th, 2011 in ARCH Go to comments

Please share with us your experience after taking the ARCH v2.1 642-874 exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations…

Your posts are warmly welcome!

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  1. Pedram
    September 3rd, 2011

    Q233 I will go for A

  2. Pedram
    September 3rd, 2011

    Good luck Sri! please update with your result after

  3. Sri
    September 3rd, 2011

    Finally cleared t same….with 818…..Not at all satisfied……..A few new questions…Will post more updates soon….

  4. Sri
    September 3rd, 2011

    Design advanced enterprise campus networks – 93%
    Design advanced IP addressing and routing solutions for enterprise networks – 56%
    Design WAN services for enterprise networks – 75%
    Design an enterprise data center – 77%
    Design security services –50%

    Drag and drop – Firewall, STP-VSS,VPN, Static-Auto RP…

  5. Pedram
    September 3rd, 2011

    Congrats Sri, did you get any of doubted Questions? like Q2, Q4, Q9, and Q28

  6. Pedram
    September 3rd, 2011

    what about new ones? do you remember something to share it with us?

  7. Sri
    September 3rd, 2011

    @Pedram – The questions i got were from the first 70questions of AT5.8!!!! The new qns were related to the Nexus1000v, VmSphere, Video Streaming
    Q4 – I had 6 choices!!! It was a combination of Q4 choices and 21. I dont remember the choices, i selected as i was nervous as this was arnd my 50th question n i was eager 2 finish t exam!!!!
    Q9,28 – I selected the choices as shared earlier only. I did not change!!!
    Q31 – Same question
    Q61- A modified version with some more detailed/similar answer choices
    Q31 – Same question
    Streaming Video – What are the factors to consider
    Some choices were
    1. Some company….growing in 2013
    2. Streaming video can be jitter….. Interactive application uses TCP…
    Other choices not remember -Read Pages 453-455 of the Study guide – Second edition, as the contents are from there only.

  8. Pedram
    September 3rd, 2011


    Many thanks for providing these details. will help us alot

  9. Kumar
    September 3rd, 2011

    Pls validate Q13: CE is ryt?

    A:OSPF over multicast EMS or VPLS network may not have consistent broadcast or multicast
    performance —–> seems to be wrong as in question mentioned OSPF over mulitcast, but in text book mentioned OSPF multiaccess network
    when using OSPF is that the multiaccess network may not have consistent broadcast or multicast performance

    C: QoS requirements with MPLS-VPN must be implemented by the service provider — Still calrification required as in question mentioned QOS with MPLS-VPN must be implemented by SP, in text book mentioned L3 VPNs allows the customer to implment QOS internally

    Is QoS needed? If QoS is available from the service provider, the customer needs to decide whether to buy an MPLS service with QoS. Using Layer 3 VPNs allows the customer to implement QoS internally.

    E:IGMP snooping is not on option with VPLS or EMS; instead administrative scoping or allowing — RYT

    sufficient bandwidth for unnecessary multicast traffic at the edge links is required
    IGMP snooping is not an option with VPLS or EMS, One conclusion is that VPLS designers with customer networks that have significant amounts of multicast need
    to use administrative scoping to limit the propagation of multicast packets, or else allow sufficient bandwidth for unnecessary multicast traffic at the edge links.

  10. MJG
    September 3rd, 2011

    Hi Sri ..Congratulations …as i understand from your score mainly we have to focus on Design advanced IP addressing and routing solutions for enterprise networks & Security Services
    Guys let’s go through with more concentration from these two areas and give your comments on questions AT5.8, P4S


  11. Anonymous
    September 4th, 2011


    What abt Q28 in AT5.8, i strongly feel that C is the ryt ans..what is your call on this?

  12. Eldeeb
    September 4th, 2011

    I believe there is something wrong in the Multicast D&D. the BSR is using hop by hop mechanism for advertising itself and the Anycast is using the MSDP for source discovery to sync there sources .

  13. Pedram
    September 4th, 2011

    @ kumar

    Q13 I would say A it is probably a typo of “multiaccess” and it is true. C is not a “must” as in layer 3 it is implemented internally. So in exam if it is multiaccess I would go for A,E

  14. Pedram
    September 4th, 2011

    Q28 is a big doubt :(

  15. Anonymous
    September 4th, 2011


    Yes, its wrong you have to swap last two items

  16. Anonymous
    September 4th, 2011

    @ Pedram
    i believe E is False the right ans is AC refer Self Study V2 Page 182 , 184

  17. Atish
    September 4th, 2011

    i believe E is False the right ans is AC refer Self Study V2 Page 182 , 184

  18. Pedram
    September 4th, 2011

    @ Atish

    E is stated word by word in self study page 181, as I said C is not a must as it says in same ref page 183 ” Using Layer 3 VPNs allows the customer to implement QoS internally.”
    if A in exam would be “multiaccess” there is no doubt that answer is A,E unless I will go with C,E

  19. Atish
    September 4th, 2011

    Guys i am going to Appear in exam within couple of weeks. i am sure D&D doing to put big impact on score please help.
    Confuse looks like something wrong in D&D AT5.8 Question number 7.
    Total D&D if u find any other one also wrong in AT5.8 please share with us the right ans

  20. Pedram
    September 4th, 2011

    @ Atish

    Follow Sri comment on the top, he puts all D&D in a file, all are fine there

  21. Atish
    September 4th, 2011

    Thanks Pedram

  22. Sri
    September 4th, 2011

    @Pedram – So u cleared t exam 2day? Wat was ur score n breakup???
    It seems a lot of ppl have joined here of late!!! Gud 2 c tat…Discuss here all ur qns so tat v can c some1 score a perfect 1000!!! :0 All t best !!

  23. Pedram
    September 4th, 2011


    Not yet! I am planing for about next 2 weeks. (probably :-P)

  24. LG
    September 4th, 2011

    What reading material are you all using? The book for 642-874 is not out yet. Did you just use the material from 642-873?

  25. Kumar
    September 4th, 2011


    i am also planning to take an exam in this week.

  26. Atish
    September 5th, 2011

    Good Luck Kumar please share your experience after exam

  27. Atish
    September 5th, 2011

    @ Sri
    can you please give some more help on the following two section questions as every one is geeting low score in these two sections Design advanced IP addressing and routing solutions for enterprise, security as you can see below KASH and your score same in both so it means still we chose wrong answers


    Design advanced enterprise campus networks – 86% Last time 79 %
    Design advanced IP addressing and routing solutions for enterprise– 56% Last time 33%
    Design WAN services for enterprise networks – 75% Last time 79 % *****
    Design an enterprise data center – 85% Last time 75 %
    Design security services – 67% Last time 50 %

    Design advanced enterprise campus networks – 93%
    Design advanced IP addressing and routing solutions for enterprise networks – 56%
    Design WAN services for enterprise networks – 75%
    Design an enterprise data center – 77%
    Design security services –50%

  28. Atish
    September 5th, 2011

    @ Kumar and Pedram your comments please…..where you feel that we are wrong in these two areas as you can see score is absolutely same

  29. Sri
    September 5th, 2011

    If any1 can split up the AT5.8 qns into the various sections, it would be great so tat myslelf or others can help 2get t correct answers!!!

  30. Atish
    September 5th, 2011

    Thanks Sri ….i will get back to you by today specially with these two sections questions

    1. Design advanced IP addressing and routing solutions for enterprise networks
    2. Design security services

  31. burlok
    September 5th, 2011

    I recreated the file with corrected version from sri and additional questions and also corrected drag and drop please to everbody verify if everything is correct

  32. Kumar
    September 5th, 2011

    if possible could you please let me know the addtional questions here which you added on above document…so that can thru those questions with ryt ans..

  33. Atish
    September 5th, 2011

    Good Job Burlok…..yes Kumar is right please if u can point out addition questions

  34. Kumar
    September 5th, 2011

    Burlok, is the right person who can provide addtional questions information as he only uploaded the enitre question if he seprate them and provide to us can go thru those question and provide ryt ans.

  35. Sri
    September 5th, 2011

    @burlok – Is that t VCE file u have uploaded?
    Some1 plz take t initiative to sort t qns topic wise so tat i can help wat best i can….

  36. Atish
    September 5th, 2011

    Guys note


    Design an enterprise data center – 85%
    Design security services – 67%

    ans given by KASH AT5.8

    Q9 C,E
    Q17 C
    Q19 A
    Q40 D
    Q42 B
    Q49 D,F
    Q51 A, C
    Q56 C
    Q59 A
    Q90 C
    Q97 C
    Q99 B
    Q156 B
    Q230 B
    Q243 A, C
    Q249 D, F
    Q267 C, D


    Design an enterprise data center – 77%
    Design security services –50%

  37. Atish
    September 5th, 2011

    other end


    Design advanced enterprise campus networks – 93%


    Design advanced enterprise campus networks – 86%

    here we have to follow Sri

  38. Atish
    September 5th, 2011

    Sri is right we have to sort the Question by topic wise than only we can be in good position to focus more in specific area and find the correct answers

  39. Atish
    September 6th, 2011

    There are three steps to confirm whether a range if IP addresses can be summarized. Which of
    the following is used in each of three 3 steps?
    A. The first number in the contiguous block of addresses
    B. The last number in the contiguous block of addresses
    C. The size of the contiguous block of addresses
    D. The subnet mask of the original network address

    here i am little confuse it’s look like either A or C

  40. Pedram
    September 6th, 2011

    I don’t know how many times I should post it here :-P, it is definitely C, find the ref in my last comments about that in previous pages.

  41. Atish
    September 6th, 2011

    thanks pedram sorry to bother u

  42. Kumar
    September 6th, 2011


    I belive Q9 : CD or CE?

  43. Atish
    September 6th, 2011

    @ Kumar …
    A, D

  44. Atish
    September 6th, 2011

    QUESTION NO: 149

    You are the Cisco Network Designer in Cisco.com. In your company site, a NAS is both physically
    and logically in the traffic path. The NAS identifies clients solely based on their MAC addresses. In
    which access mode has this NAS been configured to operate?
    A. Layer 2 mode
    B. Layer 2 Edge mode
    C. Layer 3 mode
    D. Layer 3 In-Band mode

    which is right since MAC address means Layer 2 A or B

  45. burlok
    September 6th, 2011

    I added the questions sri in previous pst signaled at the end

  46. burlok
    September 6th, 2011

    Also do check this link for a few questions which are not covered or out of the syllabus.

    there are 12 questions at the end

  47. kash
    September 6th, 2011

    hi guys …

    I beleive you are working too hard and goind Astray , and loosing the points … I was expecting Sri to get more marks … I think Victor is on the top with 90 % but I dont know here he is , and i was with 850 +
    i would suggest you guys go for first 70 Question in AT
    and work out the answers in IP addressing domain . NExus we already sort out ..
    My and victor conflict was on VSS Drag and Drop i belive that make a differnce

  48. kash
    September 6th, 2011

    Q 149 = A @ Atish

  49. Kumar
    September 6th, 2011

    Pedram: could you please validate Q9 again..

  50. Kumar
    September 6th, 2011


    Q149: L2 mode(A)

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